This idea comes from teh former picture, if you love her very much and want her to be your wife, how will you ask for marrige to her?
We all knows that marriage is the most important thing for a girl in her life, she must think seriously before she make up her mind ,a nd she also need time to do soem research about her furture husband, so in that key moment you should be bold to do whatever you cna think of the romance to make her make her mind, so think, what's the best way?
If you have racked your mind but still cann't get one, how about try this:First choose a costume of the mascot she like best in her life and waitting in the street door of her working house, waitting is not so hard, you need to prepare a huge bunch of rose, pretend to be the rose seller, and when she step out the door,you walk up: ladies, buy one? of course she anser:no, and then it's your turn:how about I give you all these rose and this(the ring) for one excuse(and now remember knee down and with your rings on you hands) Will you marry me? I am sure applause will round you at this moment and you girlfriend must be so moved and glad to saw her lover wearing a mascot costunme she love best, and then, you can guess, you are the winner of course!